NWGD mini-symposium, excursion & general assembly

Geplaatst door Ilse-Marte de Leeuw

zondag 24 april 2022

Wednesday 8th of June the NWGD general assembly in combination with a mini-symposium and excursion at Wageningen University will take place.

During the general assembly we will give an overview of activities of NWGD during 2021 and new upcoming activities in 2022 and welcome new board members!

See the agenda on this website for the program of the event.

We have a maximum capacity of 40 attendees. So be quick to register!

Nederlandse werkgroep drogen

De Nederlandse Werkgroep Drogen (NWGD) stimuleert de ontwikkeling en toepassing van duurzame droogtechnologie in Nederland. Sinds 1974 verbindt de NWGD droogexperts in Nederland door thematische excursies, symposia en andere activiteiten.

Meer informatie over de NWGD