Course: ‘Drying – Fundamentals and Applications’

Geplaatst door Ilse-Marte de Leeuw

dinsdag 11 oktober 2022

With this message we would like to proudly announce the three-day (noon-to-noon) course on „Drying – Fundamentals and Applications“ that will be held in English language from 27 to 30 March, 2023.

It will be a hybrid course, either in presence in Magdeburg/Germany, or online. Good experiences was made with this format last year, so it is going to be used again. It gives the flexibility that many colleagues presently desire, and stresses that the course will take place in any case. The proportion between presence and online participation can be adaptive, depending on the circumstances.

We are offering this course every spring, and it is always very well visited. Its goal is to teach everything that people interested in drying need to know about this major industrial process and can learn in three days, starting at the very beginning. Guided laboratory work and tutorials are part of it (in reality for presence participants or by videos). The course is mainly designed for people from industry, but may be of equal interest for young academics.

A more detailed description of the course and the registration procedure is included in the attached flyer. Registration can be done by filling the respective section of the printed flyer and sending it to the GVT, or simply online at .

Nederlandse werkgroep drogen

De Nederlandse Werkgroep Drogen (NWGD) stimuleert de ontwikkeling en toepassing van duurzame droogtechnologie in Nederland. Sinds 1974 verbindt de NWGD droogexperts in Nederland door thematische excursies, symposia en andere activiteiten.

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