Nicolas Appert lunch lecture 11th of April

Geplaatst door Ilse-Marte de Leeuw

woensdag 29 maart 2023

The NWGD organizes together with study association Nicolas Appert a lunch lecture on the 11th of April in Wageningen to make food technology students more aware and enthusiastic about the drying industry. Former food technology students, currently working in the drying field, will share their experience about working in the drying industry.

The NWGD is looking forward working together with the students!

Nederlandse werkgroep drogen

De Nederlandse Werkgroep Drogen (NWGD) stimuleert de ontwikkeling en toepassing van duurzame droogtechnologie in Nederland. Sinds 1974 verbindt de NWGD droogexperts in Nederland door thematische excursies, symposia en andere activiteiten.

Meer informatie over de NWGD