Geplaatst door Maarten Schutyser

donderdag 20 juni 2024

19th June 2024 – David Hollestelle

Our workshop of 19th June, organized by drying experts’ group NWGD, was well received. Over 60 participants from mainly industry were present during this 1-day event in Wageningen. A broad spectrum on topics in particle technology was presented.

Some highlights of the day:

  • Challenges in powder technology by TU Delft prof Ruud van Ommen
  • Using nuclear techniques for analyzing particulate flows by TU Delft, Rens Kamphorst
  • Making powders using electrostatic spray drying, by Audrey Maudhuit of FluidAir
  • Challenges of lactose productions by Bas van Laarhoven, DFE Farma
  • Analysis of nanoparticles by Shannon Groen of DSS
  • Innovative encapsulates by Albert Poortinga of BetherEncapsulates
    • Research on use of flow aids during processing of chickpea flours, by Koen Wetterauw of WUR
    • Challenges in battery production by Dion Smink of HMBV

    This event on powder technology was well received. In the future NWGD would like to organize more workshops on thematic topics. Any ideas are welcome!

    Thanks to all the speakers, to the organizers Martijn and David, and (co) host Maarten

    Nederlandse werkgroep drogen

    De Nederlandse Werkgroep Drogen (NWGD) stimuleert de ontwikkeling en toepassing van duurzame droogtechnologie in Nederland. Sinds 1974 verbindt de NWGD droogexperts in Nederland door thematische excursies, symposia en andere activiteiten.

    Meer informatie over de NWGD