Course Drying — Fundamentals and Applications

Door |2024-09-13T07:53:25+02:0013 september 2024|

Follow the professional course "Drying -- Fundamentals and Applications". The course will be held in English from March 24th to March 27th, 2025. It will be a hybrid course, with participants choosing whether to take part in presence in Magdeburg (Germany), or online. This course is offered every spring, and it is always very well [...]

Call for partners to join aPPPlied project

Door |2024-07-05T17:04:41+02:005 juli 2024|

Are you curious to test if Pulsed Electric Field can help you to improve the (energy) efficiency of processing your fresh food products? Can release of intracellular liquid enhance dewatering or extraction of valuable or undesired components from your food product? Are you already familiar with the positive attributes of PEF, but unable to demonstrate [...]

Inaugural Speech Maarten Schutyser

Door |2024-07-03T09:15:04+02:003 juli 2024|

Last Thursday 27 June prof. dr. Maarten Schutyser held his inaugural speech ('Embracing Complexity for Sustainable Food Processing') at Wageningen University & Research. Our NWGD chairman held this speech in the framework of his new professorship and personal chair "Drying and Dense Food Processing". If you are interested in his vision, current research activities and [...]


Door |2024-06-20T16:49:05+02:0020 juni 2024|

19th June 2024 - David Hollestelle Our workshop of 19th June, organized by drying experts’ group NWGD, was well received. Over 60 participants from mainly industry were present during this 1-day event in Wageningen. A broad spectrum on topics in particle technology was presented. Some highlights of the day: Challenges in powder technology by TU [...]

INCOTEC Excursion & ALV

Door |2024-03-27T22:09:40+01:0027 maart 2024|

On 26 March a group of 25 NWGD members visited INCOTEC for an excursion and the General Assembly. Paul Ooteman welcomed us and introduced the group to the world of seed technology, the activities of Incotec and why drying processes are so relevant to the production of seeds. After the introduction the group was split [...]

NWGD excursion Ketjen

Door |2023-11-20T13:00:00+01:0020 november 2023|

The NWGD was delighted that Ketjen, Amsterdam (daughter company of Albemarle) was willing to host an NWGD excursion this year. The NWGD members were welcomed and briefly introduced to the company’s history (since 1835!) and current activities. Current activities focus on catalyst production for both refinery and making of renewable fuels. Subsequently, in more detail [...]

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