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During the annual NWGD symposium we will host about 100 drying experts from industry & academia to listen to presentations about new developments in the field of industrial dewatering & drying. Drying is one of the most energy intensive unit operations in processing industry and responsible for 10-15% of the total industrial energy use!

This year’s theme: ‘Reducing the carbon footprint and energy use in industrial drying processes‘.

Registration is closed – We are full!

Besides presentations there is an interactive session and ample opportunity to network during lunch and even a symposium dinner will be organized in the high-end restaurant of Omnia. There will also be the possibility to present a poster representing your company or illustrating your research project.

The program:

Time Title presentation Presenter Company
9:00 Welcome, Coffee & Tea
9:30 Opening Maarten Schutyser Chair NWGD
9:45 Process development of CanolaPRO plant protein Joost Beekman DSM
10:15 Viscous independent spray atomisation Artur Pozarlik University of Twente
10:45 Break & Networking & Poster session – 45 min
11:30 Energy saving possibilities for rotary drum / flash and combi milling / drying technologies Sébastien Heymans Lessine
12:00 5 PhD research Pitches

5 min each


Sriram Ramanathan, Rotary fluidised bed drying: The Egender project UTwente
Cristine Garcia Llamas, Numerical simulation of droplet breakup during atomisation TUe
Julia Veser, Drying of high-quality vegetable seeds  WUR
Vivekanand Swami, Experimental spray analysis for spray drying TUe
Nienke Eijkelboom, Single droplet drying for better spray drying WUR
12:30 Lunch & Networking & Poster session – 90 min
14:00 Interactive session with propositions on Energy reduction
14:30 Energy saving options in (spray) drying operations Jan van Pijkeren SiccaDania
15:00 Break & Networking & Poster session – 45 min
15:45 Electrohydrodynamic Drying: Technology & future applications Donato Rubinetti EMPA
16:15 Superheated Steam drying with heat pump, for a Zero Carbon dryer in the ceramic industries Geert Raymaekers CEE
16:45 Heat Recovery from Spray Dryer Exhaust Air Violet Kogelenberg Nestlé
17:15 Report on Eurodrying 2023 in Lodz by Anneloes van Boven (WUR)
17:30 Closure
17.45 Dinner in Novum


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