
Nederlandse werkgroep drogen

De Nederlandse Werkgroep Drogen (NWGD) stimuleert de ontwikkeling en toepassing van duurzame droogtechnologie in Nederland. Sinds 1974 verbindt de NWGD droogexperts in Nederland door thematische excursies, symposia en andere activiteiten.

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20 juni 2024|

19th June 2024 - David Hollestelle Our workshop of 19th June, organized by drying experts’ group NWGD, was well received. Over 60 participants from mainly industry were present during this 1-day event in Wageningen. A [...]

INCOTEC Excursion & ALV

27 maart 2024|

On 26 March a group of 25 NWGD members visited INCOTEC for an excursion and the General Assembly. Paul Ooteman welcomed us and introduced the group to the world of seed technology, the activities of [...]

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